Choose Your Adventure!

Customize your TREASURED Experience by choosing which adventure best suits where you are as a couple and how you want to activate and implement what you receive during our time together before, during, and following the cruise.

All experiences include these Core Features:

  • Group and Evening Chic Couple Photos
  • Access to the TREASURED Cruise online community space
  • TCZ AIM Treasure Chest with curated gifts and goodies
  • Transportation from the pre-cruise hotel to the cruise port
  • Connections with like-hearted couples
  • And more surprises and treats along the way!

You will choose which package you want when you register

Questions? Send us an email:



A summary of the three experience packages available: enrich, enhance, elevate. Text version available upon email request.

* Reminder: Registration investment does not include cruise and travel accommodations.

TCZ Courageous AIM Compass

Available for Enrich, Empower, and Elevate

Embark on a transformative journey where dreams, vision, lifestyle, and strategic planning collide! Explore insightful perspectives into the purpose of your marriage, working together in facilitated sessions to honor each other's dreams and create a strategic plan for the future. Our pre-cruise virtual sessions will prepare you to start living into your shared vision during the cruise itself. Anticipate a dynamic experience that blends practicality with vision, setting the stage for a fulfilling and purpose-driven life as a couple!

This will held virtually in live sessions, with access to replay available for a limited time. For best experience, both partners should plan to attend, and -- at a minimum -- complete the assignments together.

TCZ AIM Kingdom Marriage Declaration

Available for Empower and Elevate

Imagine a world where every married couple confidently knows and steps into their unique purpose, bringing positive change together. The journey to discovering the deeper purpose for their marriage may feel like navigating through uncharted waters, but within each couple lies a divine assignment waiting to be uncovered.

The TCZ AIM Kingdom Marriage Declaration is designed to help couples craft empowering declarations over their lives and partnership -- honoring the GOLD in each other and enabling them to be fruitful and multiply beyond the traditional concept of raising children and stewarding household responsibilities. This video series to guide you in creating your declaration plus private session to receive confirmation before the cruise empowers couples with language to describe their #powercouple distinction and set their sights on how to live it out on the cruise and beyond.

Access to the series will be available in July 2024. We will email you when it is available, along with instructions for scheduling your confirmation session.

Private Sessions

Available for Empower and Elevate -- see above for number of sessions

These sessions are designed to hold space for you as a couple to process what you're receiving from the cruise experience and be able to take strategic action that aligns with the purpose for your Kingdom Marriage. To make the most of the sessions, it will be important to come prepared with any completed assignments, questions or a sense of new possibilities you're considering. The Bells will serve as coaches to help you dig deeper, gain clarity, embrace courage to move forward, and to celebrate progress with you!

Instructions for scheduling your sessions will be provided after registration and as the dates approach. For the session during the cruise, we will connect with you to agree on a time and location.

The Courage Zone L.A.U.N.C.H. Intensive

Available for Elevate

Embark on a transformative journey to break free from your comfort zone and elevate fulfillment in your marriage! This self-paced video series is a perfect complement to the TCZ AIM experience as it challenges and empowers you to deepen your relationship with the God of the Courage Zone. Gain insights and learn how to partner with Him individually and as a couple to take your marriage to new dimensions of life and leadership together. Shake up the status quo, launch into new opportunities, and make a positive difference. This dynamic experience includes devotional elements, faith dares, video lessons, and empowering activations to propel you into your God-designed purpose. Get ready for this tailor-made adventure that has the power to expand your imagination and take you beyond!

Access to the series will be available in November 2024, after the cruise. We will email you when it is available.

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Cruise Experience Overview

Here is where you get details on the various options available to customize your experience.

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